“CCTV camera price in Lahore” is the most searched price on Google in the CCTV domain. Many packages are available in the market, especially on Facebook and Instagram. Established and trusted companies are offering packages at higher prices. CCTV camera price in Lahore of 4 camera setup is 36000, but mostly 26000-27000 price can be seen on Facebook and Instagram Ads.
Why does this price differ from these ads to companies ads? There are many frauds and hidden tricks that are being applied to people willing to buy these camera packages. You will be expert enough to purchase a high-quality camera package after reading our blog today. The factors are discussed below.
- Original or Fake Product
Dahua and Hikvision are two famous brands serving in Pakistan for many years. They have established a market in Lahore Pakistan. The products that were in high demand used to be copied and launched as fake products with the same brand name. The person who wants installation does not have much idea of original or fake product. “CCTV camera price in Lahore” and Dahua camera price in Pakistan will be much affected by these fake products because of lesser price. You must keep in mind that fake products have poor quality and lesser life. Your investment for these camera installations will be wasted soon unlike the original product installation. Original cameras have a longer life and best quality.
- Wire Quality
There are many qualities in RG-59 cable which is the common cable for CCTV camera installations. The packages which low price on Facebook and Instagram include poor-quality cable. This poor-quality cable is known as china copper. The vendor will tell you this is the copper but will not tell you the exact name which is china copper. China copper is not copper, it is the silver wire coated with copper. This will not have a longer life. The wire will converted to powder form after humidity exposure. “CCTV camera Price in Lahore” will be less than 36000 because of poor quality wire.
- Length of Wire in Package
The scam of wire is also being applied to people. The low-price package are offering 70-100 fts wires for 4 cameras installation. This is the wire for only one camera normally. You have to buy extra wire for the other 3 cameras. This looks normal but the extra cable price is 40-45Rs. Per feet. But the price of China copper is 6-7 rupees per foot and 17-20 rupees for high-quality copper cable.
When you buy extra cable of poor quality at a high price, then the package price will be high around 36000 Rs. So be aware of these scammers and hire trusted companies like us the Engineer Club.
- Hard Drive Scam in the Market
Hard drive conditions must be noticed before buying these packages. System pulled and poor-condition hard disks are being used in these packages. The hard disk must be new or look like new to avoid damage to data in the future.
Low-capacity hard drives are being used in these packages. They will make lower resolution images in recoding to increase more number of days of recording. They will offer more days to match the high-quality camera package. This will affect the overall price of the package.